Customer Support

Premium Support for SequenceServer Cloud BLAST customers

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✉️ For inquiries and support, feel free to send us an email at

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⏱️ We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24-hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes. We support academics and other non-profits through dedicated low pricing.
If you are a student, get an additional 50% off a solo plan using the discount code Student50off. Please also email us a photo of your student id.

Our customers include international companies from the biotech, pharma and agroindustry sectors, non-profit organizations, academic and governmental research laboratories, and students.

SequenceServer has tens of thousands of users worldwide. It has also been cited in more than 200 peer-reviewed publications. You can find a range of published academic usage examples of SequenceServer. These publications cover a range of different research fields including ecology, evolution and agriculture.

SequenceServer is also used in undergraduate, MSc, and PhD-level classes with hundreds of students (and educators love SequenceServer's optional ability to track student engagement).

Protection of our customers' data is extremely high priority. We use organizational and technical measures designed to prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure of data that customers entrust us with. Access to servers, code, accounts, and data is managed on "need-to-know" and "need-to-access" bases. Data are encrypted and siloed. We only use highly trusted software and service dependencies with rigorus security policies and track records. We can provide more security information under NDA. We are obtaining the UK Government's Cyber Essentials certification. If your organization would require SOC2 certification, please contact us.

We target 100% uptime, and our track record is in line with this. Very occasionally, a general internet connectivity outage may occur, or we must momentarily take our service offline for a brief critical update.

Your SequenceServer instance has a graphical administrator dashboard that allows you to upload sequence databases from your local computer or from another machine. You can upload individual FASTA files (raw or .gz or .zip compressed), or archives (.zip or .tar.gz) of multiple FASTA files or databases. SequenceServer will appropriately format each FASTA file into a BLAST database. Alternatively, provide a Dropbox/Google Drive share, or a set of http or ftp links. Finally, we can provide a secure AWS/S3 or ftp upload link.
You can also select from among common standard databases (e.g., SwissProt, Uniref50, hg38, etc.)

Do what you want: we have no hard limits on numbers of databases, blast searches, or query sizes. Our service is deisgned with scalability and flexibility in mind. So most people need not worry, just like you don't worry about the fair usage policy of your internet or mobile phone providers. However, there are some edge cases we cannot handle while still ensuring quality of service for all users. If you're unsure about your scenario, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Our graphical user interface dashboard enables administrators to easily add and remove databases and users. It's self-serve. Make as many changes as you want, as often as you want. Some screenshots here.

We automatically clean up filenames: We convert all '_' and '-' to spaces, and remove extensions such as '.fasta' or '.fa'. But if you want to change your database names even more, the easiest is to rename your fasta files before uploading them. Alternatively, you can specify the name in the upload interface. (For core facilities that may want to batch upload many files, provide a .title file alongside each fasta file.). The administrator dashboard also lets you rename existing databases.

We run the latest stable version of SequenceServer 2. and of NCBI BLAST+. We continually roll out upgrades so your analyses benefit from the highest sensitivity, specificity, visualizations and download options. We know that for specific projects it can be helpful to freeze your analyses to specific versions of BLAST and SequenceServer. Get in touch if you need this.

1. BLAST search results remain at their URL - the https address at the top of the page. You can simply bookmark this.
2. You can check the history of all your BLAST searches.
3. You can click the 'Share' button to share your result with someone.

Yes. Just click the 'Share' button on the left.
Alternatively, save your BLAST report using the built-in functionality of your web browser (save as a PDF or as a Web archive).
Additionally, you can export the raw data (in table or XML formats). Finally, you can easily download figures from the BLAST report in publication ready PNG or SVG formats.

Through a web browser, at By default, we'll use a secure 'magic-link' mechanism. But we can also integrate with most single-sign-on (SSO) systems, including AzureAD, Okta, onelogin, Google, ADFS, PingIdentity and OpenID.

Yes. We can use a subdomain on your toplevel domain, for example, or we can also host in what appears to be a subfolder of your main site, e.g., while you host the rest of the site.

Yes, if we run, there are essentially four manners through which you can integrate it with your website. We can help with each of them. First, you can simply use iframe embedding. This works (surprisingly well). Second, you can change DNS records to make, or even simply be synonymous with We can change the identity of what we are serving so it reflects the name you prefer. Third, we can pass information on the server side, by modifying your webserver's configuration file. If, for example you are running nginx, you can use its reverse proxy features. In that way, everything goes through your server, but the interface appears to your website users as if its served from your site directly. Finally, we can host your normal pages as well. Thus you don't need a separate webserver or hosting provider.

Yes, we can. Say you are hosting a community or departmental web page and want to enable your users to also download fasta files or protocols, view images, or access a jBrowse genome browser or other data. We are now able to also host such pages and data on our servers. Yes it works for static html pages, or for dynamic content (e.g., PHP/Lamp). So for example, you could have as a normal website, and for SequenceServer searches. For small-scale usage (less than 5GB data) there is no extra cost for this on annual subscription plans. Please get in touch with your constraints if this is something you'd like to pursue.

No, we use a cookie in your browser to remember that you previously logged in successfully.

Subscription plans with single-sign-on (SSO) support rely on the criteria specified by the IT administrators managing SSO rules. We can work with SAML-identity providers including AzureAD, Okta, onelogin, Google, ADFS, PingIdentity and OpenID.
We can also additionally restrict access based on a range of IPs or add http password authentication. Get in touch with your specific requirements.

Absolutely. While most customers have private servers, we can set up a server that is open to the public. Indeed, SequenceServer is the BLAST interface underpinning many community websites. The pricing depends on how much traffic you expect. Please get in touch.

Most of our users are happy to use a dedicated instance, served at However, some enterprise customers prefer dedicated 'on-premises' servers that completely siloed from all of our infrastructure, or in a particular geographical region (e.g., within the EU, or within Japan). This is possible. Please reach out.

Sometimes, a database administrator doesn't want all sequences in the database to be downloadable. If you want us to block downloads, just contact us. Users will still be able to see database versions of HSP alignments, but downloading of entire hit sequences from the database will be impossible.

Yes. Get in touch with us, and let us know which plan and duration you want the quote to cover. We will get a quote back to you rapidly.

If payment by bank card, Apple Pay or Google Pay don't work for you, please get in touch. Some finance departments require going through a purchase order process. We unfortunately can only process purchase orders if the spend is $500 or more. Have your finance department contact us at to get our details. We use Stripe as our main payments processor - in some jurisdictions they unfortunately don't accept Apple or Google Pay.

Yes - we understand that the need for this can arise. We offer an additional 10% discount for multi-year subscriptions. Please get in touch by email with your specific request and preferred payment mechanism, and we will rapidly get back to you.

We take security extremely seriously. SequenceServer doesn’t want or need your payment information. Instead, we process payments using the industry standard You can thus pay with Apple Pay, Google Pay, or by bank card. Stripe annually process hundreds of billions of dollars in payments, including for Kickstarter,, Zoom, Uber, Deliveroo and Unicef.

Many reasons :) Key challenges when running locally include server size, security for remote access, database and software updates, collisions when multiple users. Please check this blog post for a detailed answer.

Anyone can of course run BLAST in the command-line too, but then you don't get any of the visualisations that are essential for interpreting results. We find them particularly helpful when there are many hits with many HSPs.

Yes. Your subscription will terminate at the end of your current billing period (month or year). If you would like to cancel, you can do it directly through your administrator dashboard. No questions asked.

No, there are no cancellation fees or charges. Your subscription will simply not renew at the end of your current billing period.

Sure - check our support page. Feel free to contact us by email or using the chat widget. We are also happy to arrange a demonstration or question/answer call over zoom.

Yes. Book a time here. If none of those times work, please write us an email with your availabilities.

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